
As working women, we bring valuable skills to the workplace. Skills that are being increasingly recognised and appreciated by management and shareholders, such as:

  • new and different ideas,
  • more customer focus,
  • removing some of the ego from the decision-making process,
  • more empathy,
  • and even more collaborative teams.

And in addition to these skills, you will also bring your own personal skills.

Once you begin to understand and focus on your particular skills, you can then try to match these skills to the right job, the right company and the right boss, ensuring you have the greatest chance of achieving your work/life goals.

Play to your strengths

Play to your strengths

In Not Guilty, the Skills chapter helps you understand where you bring the greatest value and expertise, and how you can best use these skills.

How can you use your skills to position yourself into a company that is family friendly and already has several women in senior roles working part-time while they raise their children?

Did you know your relationship with your boss will have the biggest impact on your ability to secure flexible working arrangements?

And how can you use your skills to position yourself in a job that lends itself to flexibility and part-time work?

What are your skills?

What are your skills?

Identifying and focusing on your key skills will not only allow you to make yourself indispensable to your employer, but it will also ensure you’re doing a job you’re good at, and one you hopefully enjoy.

Once you have a family your time will become especially scarce and precious, so getting really clear about the value you bring to work is critical. Essentially, you need to develop your part-time role around those skills.

The idea that career mums can ‘have it all’ at the same time is a fallacy.

But we can have all the bits we want by utilising our best skills and putting staff and systems in place to help us manage the rest.

Want to enjoy both motherhood and your career without feeling guilty?

Find out more about how Not Guilty can help you change from exhausted, guilt-ridden headless-chicken to happy career woman, wife and mother…at least some of the time!